The Bali Revival

Whats up so far.....

Starting my journey from munic having some funny conversations with two chinese girls. Arriving in Dubai the girls had to leave their Paulaner Oktoberfest Bier which they thought would be a nice present for their parents. After checking the duttz frees we take some time out and finally said good bz as the girls take their connection to china....


I managed the VISA for me an a spanish guy and we tried to get a shower by using choclat as payment. I had to struggle hard not fall asleep during the waiting periode on the airport...Ok I give up maybe a fall asleep but no one recognize it...


In the boarding louge there ve been only indonesian exepte one dutch guy Ivar comming from Sumatra. I offered him to come with me for giving him support finding accomodation and having dinner together.

Finally arriving on my destination after one and half day sitting in plains and on airports.

After walking outside the airport for getting a bluebirtd taxi we were hitting the kuta area for find a place to stay.

My favourite option mekar jaya turned out to be fully booked but we found something symilar.

After this we need to have a dinner and bought some fruits...had some bin tangs. Durian usually wouldnt ate by western people but Ivar and me like it.

We lost each other talking about god and the world:)


1st. day in bali...we rent one scooter bought beach equipment like slippers and sunglases. Then I met Ibu wayan my second mother...Patrick the boss from the surfboardfactory and finally Komang a motocross buddy whos renting rooms. After we get back to the hostel for get a nap we went fo warung Malang (Avocado & Coconut Juice) the evening we usually wanted to go for some web surf but this changed into drinking some beers with a german couple.

It turns out that this couple is very strange...(long story)



After sleeping very deeply my boody feels still sleepy and my friend Ivar the music producer told me I ve overslept an earthquake....everyone woke up exept me?wwwwwwhhhhhat

Ibu wayan gave me some traditional medicine to take and I am looking forward to have positive result.

A war is going on and my enemies are a army of ans...but anyway I met a Markus and conny and they offered me to stay in the appartment close to his house...he is the owner of a surfshop and want me to train his stuff repairing dings.

First night in my new appartment....a get nervt by crazy traffic while a ceremonie was happening the whole night...I felt like motorbikes driving through my room also sometimes the wall was vibrating.


How to make a SURFBOARD



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